
This policy is valid beginning July 2023 until the end of time.

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me, Naomi Branham. For questions about this blog, please contact me (naomi@wanderslowrunfar.com).

If you are interested in a product review or sponsor please send a detailed review policy and contact me to discuss. I will disclose when products have been given for a review or purchased by me. Free products or sponsorships will not sway my opinion of said item. My goal is to for runners and travelers to have the best experiences possible while testing their boundaries and living their best lives.

Assume that any links on this site are affiliate links. That means that I make a small commission if you use the link. Using my links is not required, but greatly appreciated. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

All views and experiences on this site are mine and mine alone. Nothing on this page qualifies as medical, nutritional, or financial advice.  Always consult with your medical provider before starting an exercise routine.

The content on this site is never influenced by money, advertising dollars, or free products. I write for my readers to experience new places and discover new challenges they may want to participate in.

For advertising rates and statistics please contact me, Naomi Branham at (naomi@wanderslowrunfar.com).